Jeeves Media

Full Service Digital Agency

Helping small to medium businesses go digital and manage their online presence.  Let us take the stress out of managing your Website, SEO and Social Media with our tailored Website Care Plan and optional add-ons!

Free Website Health Check!

Not happy with your current website or prefer a more mobile friendly design? Get in touch with Jeeves Media today. We can offer you a free initial consultation about how we could improve your current website or design, build and host a new and improved one!

We’ve Got You Covered

Brand Design & Strategy

We can provide professional advice on creating a brand that helps your business stand out from the crowd. Logo design or refresh with a plan to launch your new business online.

Website Development

Our websites are tailored to your business niche and created using WordPress, the number one CMS. All of our websites are SEO ready with optimised images and meta tags. 

Secure Website SSL

All of our websites include a free SSL certificate and daily back ups including updates and security checks to help keep your website safe and secure online.

SEO Boost

Organic SEO and Local SEO could help your website to reach more of your target audience online with our SEO Boost plan! Talk to us to find out more.


No one knows your business better than you do but we can help with how your content should be structured on your website with our professionl Copyrighting service included in our Website Care Plan.

Managed Hosting

We host your website on secure servers recommended by WordPress and make sure everything is kept up to date including plugins and security releases. Helping to keep your website running smoothly behind the scenes.

Monthly Reports

Every month you will be emailed your website health report that provides you with detailed imformation on how your website in performing and what updates have been carried out to keep your website healthy.

Social Media Management

Our Social Media Management Plan is a bolt on monthly option to get your business social on Facebook. Instagram and Twitter. We can create content for your posts and advise on a social media strategy best suited to your business. 

Let’s Get Started

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