Website Care & Protect Plan

For Complete Peace Of Mind

Once your website has been designed by Jeeves Media it will go live on our hosting servers.  That’s when the Care and Protect plan kicks in.    Now you can relax knowing that your website will be kept up to date with security updates and latest versions of WordPress. The Care and Protect plan means you can get on with running your business while we make sure your website is running at it’s best!

Daily Website Back-Ups

Our WCP plan includes not only daily back-ups to our secure servers but also off line back-ups. Meaning every website is fully backed up on secure SSD not just on our servers. Great peace of mind!

Security and Maleware Scans

Every website we develop comes complete with an SSL certificate installed.. This means your site will have a green padlock in the address bar which Google now recognises as a safe website for it’s visitors to browse!  Your website will have the latest 24-7 security installed and have daily maleware scans to ensure it is safe and secure on our servers.

Monthly Maintenance Reports

Every month we will email you a report which will give you an overall summary of your website’s performance and any issues that could be improved upon over time. such as SEO or plugin suggestions that will help your site run at it’s best!

SEO Boost Option

Organic search engine optimisation

Every website we build is SEO ready!  This means it will have the correct tags, meta data and optimised images included in the design process. Our SEO Boost is an option for businesses who want to improve on their Google organic search rank and have a lot of online competition for their niche.  Jeeves Media will install and set-up Google Analytics on the website back end and start a plan of action on improving your websites ranking in popular search engines, such as Google and Bing.

Google Analytics set-up and installation.

Keyword research and selection.

Competitor research and local SEO strategy.

Monthly SEO report detailing Search Engine rankings.

Social Media Manager

Lets get your business social

If you still don’t have a business presence on social media, your missing out on potential new customers!  We can help with setting up your business pages on Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram and help select which ones you should choose that would suit your business nich.  Jeeves Media will then manage the content of your social posts and help grow your social followers.

Facebook, Instagram and or Twitter management.

Posting strategy.

Content creation to help build followers.

Monthly analysis report via email.

Everything In One Plan

Everything in one place!

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change?

Let’s Get Digital Together!