Jeeves Media

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the most popular questions we get asked.  Please use the pop-up, quick contact form at the bottom of our web pages if you wish to get in contact wih us about anything else.

I already have a website and hosting. Can Jeeves Media manage it for me ?

If your existing website has been built on WordPress, we would be able to manage it for you with our Care & Protect plan. Use our Free website health check form to send us details.

What is the cost of creating a website for my business ?

Jeeves Media create bespoke websites that are designed and built around your business niche.  Each web project is therefore priced accordingly to your business requirements. Contact us for a free consultation.

What is SEO or Search Engine Optimisation ?

SEO helps search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing to find your website when someone types in a keyword or search term that is related to your business niche.  Jeeves Media use White Hat practices to help your website reach new heights in organic search results.  Contact us for more information.

What is a domain name ?

A domain name is your unique website address online where people can find your business. understand the importance of choosing the right domain name and extenstion such as .com or for your business. We can also register your domain for you and set-up hosting ready for your website!

Do you manage branded Email ?

We can advise on suitable Email services but we do not host or provide branded email as this is seperate from Web Design and maintenance.

What is the Social Media Manager plan ?

Creating and posting regular content on your social media can be very time consuming. That’s where our Social Media Manager option comes into play. We help you to create a plan of posting the right content suited to your business audience at the right times. Business social media is different to your personal profiles. We help you to establish followers that are interested in your services and turn them into potential clients!

Are Jeeves Media based in the United Kingdom ?

Yes. Jeeves Media are based in the UK but our clients are world-wide!

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